Friday, June 4, 2010

So Long: Behind the Times Part II

I did get a little weepy as I watched the final episodes of Gilmore Girls: The Complete Seventh Seasonwhich obviously makes no sense since I've got the DVDs. I was worried that they'd end things in a way I didn't like. I didn't want Rory to marry Logan, who's just too privileged for my tastes (Jess, would be better, but why hurry at ). I was so glad she didn't. I'm on the fence about how I wanted things for Lorelai. I feared a quick engagement or marriage with Luke. But I was so pleased with how things worked out.

Stars Hollow was whisked to have sunny Rory whisked away on the campaign trail for her first reporter's job. Lane, Miss Patty, Babbette et al wanted more time. It's good that she'll be missed, yet was leaving with well wishes.

What to do with Lorelai isn't easy and some writers would have been tempted to make the end too perfect with a proposal or elopement. Here it was masterfully done with a satisfying kiss promising love, while not tying everything up tightly with an undeserved bow.

The final scene was perfect, bringing us full circle with the premiere having this simpatico mother and daughter team teasing Luke at his diner.

Seems television can do a much better job with good family and romance fare. It's Complicated and Love Happens were perfect and predictable, while shows like Gilmore Girls or Joan of Arcadia show more conflict and flaws winning the day, in my book. Even if you just compare the first two episodes of Gilmore Girls with one of these recent movies I think you've got much better entertainment on TV.

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